If you are concerned about or displeased with any aspect of your care, we ask that you discuss the problem with the Center Director of the Harrisburg Endoscopy & Surgery Center. Communication between you and the Harrisburg Endoscopy & Surgery Center team is an important element in good health care. Suggestions or comments you would like to make following discharge are most appreciated.

The Harrisburg Endoscopy & Surgery Center is a federal and state licensed ambulatory surgical facility. It is regularly inspected and conforms to the guidelines of national accreditation organizations.

It is the policy of all of our doctors, nurses and other medical staff members to respect your individuality, dignity and privacy and to make your stay as pleasant as possible. As a patient at the Harrisburg Endoscopy & Surgery Center, you have specific rights, which protect your interests. You also have responsibilities to help us to provide you with efficient, quality care. Together, these rights and responsibilities provide the basis for a more positive, mutually beneficial patient-physician relationship.
  1. You have the right to quality medical care and appropriate treatment without regard to race, creed, color, sex, sexual preference, national origin, cultural beliefs, religion, handicap, disability, or the source of payment for your care.

  2. You have the right to receive considerate, respectful care, under all circumstances by competent personnel, with recognition of your personal dignity, culture, values, preferences, psychological and spiritual beliefs. 

  3. You have the right to good quality care and high professional standards that are continually maintained and reviewed.

  4. You have the right to good health care management techniques that make the most effective use of your time and still provide for your comfort and convenience.

  5. You have the right to have your medical care and records treated with a very high degree of privacy. Case discussions, consultations, examinations and treatment plans are confidential and should be conducted discreetly.

  6. You have the right to have your medical records treated as confidential except as otherwise provided by law or third party contractual arrangements. .

  7. You or your designee, upon request, have the right to access to the information contained in your medical records, unless access is specifically restricted by your doctor for medical reasons.

  8. You have the right to know the name of the doctor(s) who will be participating in your care and the names of any other healthcare persons having direct contact with your care.

  9. You have the right to know what Center rules and regulations apply to your conduct as a patient.

  10. You have the right to receive full information in layman’s terms concerning your medical problems, treatment, procedures and tests, and the prognosis, or medical outlook for your future. This includes information about alternative treatments and possible complications. When it is not medically advisable to give the information to you, it will be given on your behalf to your family or significant other.

  11. You have the right to have access to an interpreter if you have a hearing impairment, or do not speak or understand English.

  12. You have the right to refuse any procedure or treatment and to be informed by your doctor of the medical consequences of your refusal.

  13. Before any procedure is performed, you will be asked to sign a form giving your consent. If you are unable to give informed consent, a legal power of attorney may do so for you. You have the right to receive from the doctor, information which is necessary for you to be able to give an informed consent prior to the start of any procedure or treatment.

  14. You or, if you are unable to give consent, a legal power of attorney, have the right to be informed when your physician is considering you as part of a medical care research or donor program. You also have the right to refuse to participate in the program. .

  15. You have the right to expect that the Center will provide information for continuing health care requirements after discharge and means for meeting them.

  16. You have the right to expect emergency procedures to implemented, without unnecessary delay. If there is a need to transfer you to another health care facility, you and/or a responsible person shall be notified. The institution to which you are to be transferred to shall be notified prior to your transfer.

  17. You have the right to examine and receive a detailed explanation of your bill.

  18. You have a right to expect that your reports of pain will be recognized and addressed appropriately and in a timely manner.

  19. You have the right to be informed of these rights prior to the day of your procedure. These rights are also posted in the waiting area of the Center and are available upon request.
  1. You are responsible to provide accurate information about your present health status, past medical history and medications. You are also expected to report perceived risks in your care and unexpected changes in your condition..

  2. You and your family are responsible to ask questions if you do not understand your care, treatment, or what you are expected to do..

  3. You and your family are responsible for following the care and treatment program which your doctor specifies.

  4. You and your family are responsible for the outcomes if you do not follow the care or treatment program which your doctor specifies..

  5. You are expected to show consideration for the privacy of others and be respectful of the Center’s staff and property, as well as other patients.

  6. You are responsible for following the Center’s rules and regulations.

  7. You are responsible for promptly meeting any financial obligation agreed to with the Center.

  8. We encourage you to be an informed consumer of health care services. Please do not hesitate to ask questions pertaining to any aspect of your care at our facility.

    The Center has multiple reporting mechanisms in place for expressing concerns:

    Bill Rhoades, Center Administrator 717-651-1691

    Pennsylvania Department of Health, Division of Acute and Ambulatory Care
    ATTN: Acting Director
    Written complaints can be submitted:
    Room 532, Health and Welfare Bldg.
    625 Forester Street, Hbg, PA 17120

    Office of the Medicare Beneficiary Ombudsman http://www.cms.hhs.gov/center/ombudsman.asp


The 1990 Patient Self-Determination Act is a federal law that says patients must be informed of their rights under state law to make decisions about their medical care, including the right to accept or refuse medical or surgical treatment and the right to have an advance directive. An advance directive is commonly referred to as a "living will." In Pennsylvania, a living will is known, according to the law, as an advance directive for health care.

In Pennsylvania, a living will is an advance directive for health care and is a written "declaration" that describes the kind of life sustaining treatment you want or do not want if you are later unable to express your wishes to your doctor. However, there is no law in Pennsylvania that guarantees that your medical providers will follow your instructions in all circumstances. Your doctor and any other health care provider must inform you if they cannot in good conscience follow your wishes or if the policies of the health care provider prevent them from honoring your wishes. This is one reason why you should give a copy of your living will to your doctor or to those in charge of your medical care and treatment.

Therefore, we must inform you that due the nature of the services provided at Harrisburg Endoscopy & Surgery Center (HESC), in the event of a medical emergency while receiving care at HESC, it is our policy to attempt to resuscitate all patients until care can be transferred to an acute care facility.

We have advance directive information, including forms available upon request. You can visit Pennsylvania's "Long Term Living" Website and find a brochure entitled "Understanding Advance Directives For Health Care in Pennsylvania" by visiting the following web site:

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